Did their prophecies come true?
Prophecy: Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, wrote in the late 1800’s that in 1914 the end of this world would occur and Christ would return setting up His Kingdom on earth.
1. Charles T. Russell, 1889: “In the coming 26 years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved.” Studies in the Scriptures, Series 2, pp. 98-99.
2. Watch Tower Magazine, March 1880: “The Times of the Gentiles extend to 1914, and the heavenly kingdom will not have full sway till then. Of all people, only the witnesses pointed to 1914 as the year for God's kingdom to be fully set up in heaven.”
3. Present rulers to be overthrown. “Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proof that the setting up of the kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that ‘the battle of the great day of the Lord Almighty (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1915, with the complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced.” Studies in the Scriptures , Series 2, p. 101.
4. No government, bank, or churches. “Complete destruction of powers that be of this present evil world - political, financial, ecclesiastical - about the close of the ‘Time of the Gentiles’, October, A.D. 1914.” Studies in the Scriptures , Series 4, p. 622.
5. Present order of things entirely done away. “The distillery, the brewery, the saloon, the brothel, the pool—room, all time—killing and character—depraving business will be stopped; …Similarly, the building of war—vessels, the manufacture of munitions of war and defense will cease, and armies will be disbanded. … The banking and brokerage business, and other like employments, very useful under present conditions, will no longer have a place; for under the new conditions the human race will be required to treat each others as members of one family, and private capital and money to loan and to be needed will be things of the past.” Studies in the Scriptures , Series 4, p. 633-635.